ImageBooth Recap: Multilayered ImageEditor in pure Javascript
As I’ve been finishing features, I’ve just been updating what the new stuff is… but now that I have a working implementation of layers (though save isn’t yet linked to layers), I figure it’s time to stop and give an overall view of the ImageBooth Demo app and what it does. When you open it […]
ImageBooth Updates: 07/30/10
Lots of changes: all line stroking is now done with a queue, which means if a line’s thread gets cancelled pre-draw, it will get picked up by the next thread and so on. This results in much smoother drawing and less ‘stepping’ on round edges. Also, tools may now provide controls in the ‘tool palette’ […]
ImageBooth Updates: 07/26/10
So after an arduous weekend of coding, I come from high on the mount bearing tablets with the following features: You may now export the saved image (AKA download), also there’ve been numerous corrections to the convolver, as well as adding a filter settings dialog with a built-in preview. I added an eyedropper to help […]
SplatterPlot 1.1 Adding Images into the Mix
So I was asked a few times if the splatter plot could support images, and I’d explain how you could extend the node class to do that, but my guess is people would find it useful if it did that out of the box. SVG’s Image rendering uses really poor pixel resampling algorithms, so scaled […]
ImageBooth Beta: HTML5 + JS Image Editor
I’ve done raster graphics editors in a number of environments and after the ImageBooth JS experiments went so well, I decided to do a little cleanup in Datalus to create a simple backend to turn the demo into something useful. The save component of this was actually a little difficult to sort out. In order […]

ImageBooth Demo 2: HTML5 + JS Image Editor
After another week working on the ImageBooth JS port, I’ve had a number of successes so almost all the core interfaces are available, and there is now a brushing system which doesn’t exist on the PHP version. Go ahead and check out the demo(works under webkit, slightly janky under FF, not working under IE). All […]
Converting XeLaTeX to Wiki formatting with PHP
So, the need came up for me to dump data from my XeLaTeX environment into a Wiki, but I want to continue to master the the document in TeXShop, but the wiki needs to stay up to date, so the only thing for it is to create an exporter. So that’s exactly what I did. […]
Multilayered Image Convolution with MooTools + HTML5 Canvas
So, as a not-so-secret side project I’m porting pieces of the Protolus/Datalus foundation to Javascript for great awesomeness, looking to the day when client side view rendering ascends to it’s rightful throne. Until then, it means I’m doing all kinds of awesome experimentation while porting these components. I’m currently working on a port of ImageBooth […]
ImageBooth: Multilayered Image Manipulation in PHP
I’m going to be releasing documentation on my development framework, Datalus, in the near future… but before that, I’ll be releasing a few examples using the utility libraries from it. My first example uses a stacked imaging framework built on top of GD who’s goal is to implement the feature set of photoshop 3. It […]
HTML SVN changelog output
So, yesterday I sent a note about my blog to Martin Pittenauer, developer of SubEthaEdit. OK, yeah… but that’s not the strange part. So later on, I was looking for a tool to convert SVN logs to pretty printed html. After a few minutes of looking, guess who built an XSL script to do that […]