Shell Scripting

Converting XeLaTeX to Wiki formatting with PHP

So, the need came up for me to dump data from my XeLaTeX environment into a Wiki, but I want to continue to master the the document in TeXShop, but the wiki needs to stay up to date, so the only thing for it is to create an exporter. So that’s exactly what I did. […]

HTML SVN changelog output

So, yesterday I sent a note about my blog to Martin Pittenauer, developer of SubEthaEdit. OK, yeah… but that’s not the strange part. So later on, I was looking for a tool to convert SVN logs to pretty printed html. After a few minutes of looking, guess who built an XSL script to do that […]

Tail Requests From Shell IP

Often when using a dev machine, your checking some shared logs for output about your specific process, turning a singlethreaded process into a mutithreaded output buffer. Not something that increases my sanity level. Instead of deal with that, I just wanted to filter out any traffic that isn’t from whatever IP is bound to the […]