I haven’t really had the time to make a post lately, as my conspicuous absence indicates. I’ve got an awesome gig at StylePage which keeps me busy and a number of side projects which steal the fleeting moments I can spare. While I’m not ready to peel back the curtains on any of my big projects, I think I’m just going to post some of the more useful utility functions I’ve built.
The first of which is String.whenInDOM which is a string primitive I could use to execute some code when a particular ID finally finds it’s way to the DOM. I use it for painless recursive asynchronous rendering. It also uses a a scaling interval, so if the result isn’t coming back quickly we don’t block up the browser, especially if we’re generating a large volume of these requests:
It’s usage is pretty simple, just pass it a function to execute once the id is found. you can also optionally pass it a delay function as it’s second argument (executes each time we look for the id and it’s not found) and a timeout function (executes if we reach the ~16 second timeout (16384 ms))
That’s about it… till next time!